OSGiUnit - A framework for running JUnit tests on OSGi bundles
OSGiUnit is a framework for implementing and running JUnit tests for interacting OSGi bundles. It is based on JUnit and can therefore be used with any JUnit testcase runner like apache ant or eclipse.
- Use JUnit tests for testing bundle interaction.
- Run OSGi bundle test from the file system without creating jar files.
- Start and debug JUnit tests from your IDE.
Since OSGi bundles are implementations of Java interfaces, it is easy to implement a JUnit test for a single bundle. But there is currently no easy-to-use possibility to implement JUnit tests for a set of bundles and their interaction. OSGiUnit implements a framework for simplifying the implementation of JUnit tests for a set of bundles. It is based on JUnit and can therefore be used with any JUnit testcase runner like e.g.apache ant or eclipse. The current implementation only supports the eclipse OSGi framework equinox , but it can easily be adapted to other OSGi implementations like Felix or Knopflerfish .
- OSGiUnit Wiki -> http://sourceforge.net/p/osgiunit/wiki/Home/
- Sourceforge Project Page -> http://sourceforge.net/projects/osgiunit/
- Downloads -> http://sourceforge.net/projects/osgiunit/files/
- Subversion -> http://sourceforge.net/p/osgiunit/code/HEAD/tree/